Overview of Recommender Algorithms – Part 5

This is the final part in a five part series on overviewing recommender algorithms. In the first post, we introduced the main types of recommender algorithms by providing a cheatsheet for them. In the second, we covered the different types of collaborative filtering algorithms highlighting some of their nuances and how they differ from one… Read More Overview of Recommender Algorithms – Part 5

Overview of Recommender Algorithms – Part 3

This is the third in a multi-part post. In the first post, we introduced the main types of recommender algorithms by providing a cheatsheet for them. In the second post, covered the different types of collaborative filtering algorithms highlighting some of their nuances and how they differ from one another. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More Overview of Recommender Algorithms – Part 3

Recommender Systems in Netflix

Netflix is a company that demonstrates how to successfully commercialise recommender systems.  Netflix manages a large collections of movies and television programmes, making the content available to users at any time by streaming them directly to their computer/television.  It’s a very profitable company that makes its money through monthly user subscriptions.  Users can cancel their… Read More Recommender Systems in Netflix